Loop Recorder

A loop recorder is very similar in function to a Holter monitor, however rather than recording data until the memory is full, loop recorders overwrite previous data to continue recording for longer periods of time – even up to three years. Loop recorders can be external or implanted and the best option will be discussed during your consultation with Dr. Banker. Loop recorders can automatically transmit data back to our office using a Bluetooth connection to send data to a transmitter, which then wirelessly relays important diagnostic information back to us for a better understanding of your heart rhythm.

Because of the logistical concerns of an external loop recorder, most recorders are now implanted under the skin. This requires very small incision, much like a pacemaker implantation and comes with very low risk. Pain or infection at the incision site, both of which are typically managed easily, tend to be minor and rare. Some patients may have a reaction to the material of the implant, but this is very rare and modern medical devices are made to be biocompatible.

Once we have sufficient data to understand the heart rhythm and make an appropriate diagnosis, the loop recorder can be disabled or removed. The explantation of the device is relatively straightforward and, once again, only requires a small incision over the area of implant.

Dr. Banker will discuss the best options for longer-term arrhythmia monitoring and diagnosis including the potential use of a loop recorder during your consultation.